Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation - Federal Government. Manages, develops, and protects water and related resources in an environmentally and economically sound manner in the interest of the American public.
Is the nation's largest wholesale water supplier, operating 338 reservoirs with a total storage capacity of 140 million acre-feet (an acre-foot, 325,851 gallons of water, supplies enough water for a family of four for one year).
Provides 1 out of 5 (or, 140,000) Western farmers with irrigation water for 10 million farmland acres that produce 60 percent of the nation's vegetables and one quarter of its fresh fruit and nut crops.
Is the second largest producer of hydropower in the United States and operates 53 hydroelectric powerplants that annually produced, on average, 40 billion kilowatt-hours for the last 10 years.
Delivers 10 trillion gallons of water to millions of people each year.
Manages, with partners, 249 recreation sites that have 90 million visits annually.
Reclamation’s management and recreation activities contribute $63.9 billion in economic output, and support about 456,219 jobs.