CS13C - Concurrent Session 13C: From Here to Recovery: The Softer Side of Effective Leadership
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
11:30 AM – 12:00 PM PDT
Location: Smoketree A-E
Too often, leaders feel they must be strong, tough and decisive, that to admit any weakness will only undercut them and make them ineffective. Until I lost my mind on the morning of October 17, 2021, as the results of months of prescription drug abuse, I know I felt that way.
But after a week on a psych ward, five weeks in rehab, 20 weeks of intensive outpatient therapy, and more than a year of sobriety, I've come to understand that all of that is exactly wrong.
In this session, I'll share these hard-won lessons -- the importance of being willing to seek help, of being present in the lives of those you care about and need the most, of self-care, and so much more -- so attendees can understand the role that their "softer sides" can play in becoming more effective leaders.
Participants will understand the importance of the "softer side" of leadership, receive practical tips on what constitutes the "softer side" of leadership, and learn how to hone their soft leadership skills.