Senior Engineer
Geosyntec Consultants
Sacramento, California
Mr. Dupuis is an engineer in Davis, California with more than ten years of experience in the consulting industry in Canada and the USA. His areas of expertise include strong ground-motion selection and processing, data science and visualization, ground-motion simulation, seismic upgrades to existing structures, and structural analysis of dam and powerhouse structures. He has professional experience as a structural consultant, where he performs structural design, structural analyses, and ground-motion processing for large-scale seismic upgrades to existing dams. He has done the seismic design of unique mixed-use structures such as skytrain stations, libraries, sport centers, and high-rise towers and served as the designer for projects across western Canada and Taiwan. Mr. Dupuis is currently completing a Ph.D. program focused on improving ground-motion prediction for subduction earthquakes using physics-based simulations at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand.
PLT - Estimated rates of failure for dams in the United States
Monday, September 18, 2023
2:15 PM – 3:15 PM PDT