Dam Safety Risk & Emergency Preparedness Manager
Tennessee Valley Authority
Jeff Munsey works for the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and currently serves as the manager of the Dam Safety Risk and Emergency Preparedness group. For most of his 36 year TVA career, he has focused on developing a better understanding of seismologic and geologic hazards to TVA critical infrastructure, primarily dams. His experience includes directing development of regional, probabilistic seismic hazard studies, operating microearthquake and strong motion seismographs, serving as coordinator of TVA’s Seismic Safety Program, performing or directing engineering seismology and engineering geology studies of TVA dams and participating in quantitative and semi-quantitative risk assessments for TVA dams. The Langley Dam case history is the product of the intersection of his interest in historical seismicity and engineering seismology. Jeff has a B.S. and M.S. in Geophysics from Virginia Tech and recently moved to Roanoke, Virginia where he enjoys a view of the Blue Ridge Parkway from his office window and spending time with his infant grandson.
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM PDT